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The team of educators at Cooma Lambie Street Preschool are qualified and passionate about early childhood education.

Preschool Director

Cathy Toohey

Early childhood teachers

Cathy Toohey - Qualification: Diploma of Teaching.

Kirsty Ross - Qualification: Bachelor of Teaching & Bachelor of Social Science

Early Childhood Educators

Adelaide Scott - Qualification: Certificate 3 in Early childhood education and care.

Alison Dooley - Qualification: Diploma of Children’s Services - Early childhood education and care.

Amy Kiss - Qualification: Certificate 3 of Children’s services.

Belinda Lloyd - Qualification: Diploma of Community Services - Children's services.

Catherine Worley - Qualification: Diploma of Children’s Services - Early childhood education and care.

Emily Solodchuck - Qualification: Certificate 3 in Early childhood education and care.

Mia- Jade Robson - Trainee - completing Certificate 3 in Early childhood education and care.

Michelle Buchanan - Qualification: Diploma of Children’s Services - Early childhood education and care.

Shannen de Rooy - Qualification: Diploma of Children’s Services - Early childhood education and care.

Vickey Constance - Qualification: Certificate 3 of Children’s Services - Centre based care.

Violet Nassar - Qualification: Diploma of Children’s Services - Early childhood education and care.

Support staff

Nicole Alexander - Office Administration