Information & Links
ENROLMENT at Lambie Street Preschool
Thank you for your interest in Lambie Street Preschool for your child’s early education.
The annual enrolment intake for the 2024 preschool year has concluded, with Lambie Street Preschool at full capacity for the start of 2024 year.
The Enrolment Waiting List
To join the enrolment waiting list for 2024, or to register your interest in enrolling your child at Lambie Street Preschool in 2025, please complete an Enrolment Waiting List Application. The application is available by clicking the red button on the right of this page, or by contacting the preschool office.
A child’s name will be added to the enrolment waiting list upon the return of the completed Waiting List Application and copy of the child’s up-to-date immunisation record, issued by the Australian Immunisation Register.
The average wait list time is 12 months.
The preschool will contact families from the waiting list when positions become available.
Enrolment at Lambie Street Preschool
Lambie Street Preschool is licensed for 40 places.
Lambie Street Preschool is funded by the NSW Department of Education’s Start Strong for Community Preschools Program. Under this program, the preschool must provide 600 hours per year (15 hours per week) of a quality preschool program for each enrolled child.
Enrolments of 2 days per week (15 hours) are offered to meet the requirements of the Start Strong funding program.
A limited number of 3 days per week enrolments will be offered each year. These positions will only be offered to children who are attending in their year before primary school.
Other enrolment patterns will be assessed on an individual basis and are at the discretion of the preschool Director, who, if after assessing the needs of the child is of the opinion that a different pattern and/or priority of enrolment is required for that child.
Enrolment process
The annual enrolment process commences during Term 4 each year (October/November). The preschool will contact families from the waiting list during Term 4 to discuss enrolment opportunities for the following year. Enrolment may also be offered throughout the year when/if positions become available. Children will not be offered enrolment until they are three years of age.
The offered position will be held for a period of 2 weeks for the family to accept the offer. After this time, if the family has not accepted, the offer will be withdrawn, and the position then offered to the next eligible child from the waiting list.
Upon acceptance of the offered position, the family will be provided with an enrolment package, confirmation of the child’s start date and details of preschool orientation. To secure the enrolment for the child families must;
Return their completed enrolment package and copies of the requested supporting documentation.
Pay a non-refundable enrolment deposit of $50. This deposit will be credited towards the child’s preschool fee account.
Enrolment Offers
The allocation of preschool places will be made in accordance with the Lambie Street Preschool Enrolment Policy and Start Strong for Community Preschool Program Priority of Access Guidelines.
Available positions will be allocated in the following order;
children who already attend the service and are re-enrolling for the following year.
siblings of children who currently or previously have attended the service, from the enrolment waiting list.
children from the enrollment waiting list, in accordance with the Start Strong for Community Preschools Program Priority of Access Guidelines, with services required to give priority of access to:
1. Children who are at least 4 years old on or before 31 July in that preschool year and not enrolled at, or attending a school.
2. Children who are at least 3 years old on or before 31 July in that preschool year and are:
Children with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background
Children with a disability or additional needs
Children with English language needs
Children from low-income families
Children who are at risk of significant harm (from a child protection perspective)
There is no order of priority assigned to the dot points listed above.
The service may also consider the hours a child is enrolled at other funded preschool services when making enrolment decisions.
Hours of operation
Opening hours: 8:30 am- 4:00 pm
The preschool is licensed to operated between 8:30am and 4:00pm only.
Delivery and collection of children outside of these hours is not permitted.
Days of operation: Monday to Friday
The preschool operates for 40 weeks per year - during NSW Department of Education school terms.
The preschool is closed on weekends, NSW Public Holidays, NSW School holidays and staff development days.
Fees and charges payable
2024 Fee Schedule - current as at 01/01/2024
2 day enrolment = $64.00 per week
3 day enrolment = $101.00 per week
NOTE: 3rd day of enrolment and casual care days are charged at $37.00 per day.
Fee Reduction/Discount
Please contact the preschool office to determine your eligibility. Fee reductions are available for children of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin, and for children from a family holding a current low income Health Care Card (where the child is a named dependent on the card), or a Veteran Card issued by the Australian Government. Health Care Cards issued in the child’s name are not eligible.
2 day enrolment = $36.00 per week
3 day enrolment = $73.00 per week
Please note: fee discounts are only applied to the first two days of enrolment. Discounted fees are not applied to the third day of enrolment or casual care days.
3rd day of enrolment and casual care days are charged at $37.00 per day.
Other fees and charges
$50.00 Enrolment fee Payable by families on acceptance of an enrolment offer. This one-off fee is non-refundable and will be credited towards the child’s first term fee invoice
$120.00 Operational Levy Paid at the rate of $30.00 per term/per family for ongoing maintenance and resources.
$40.00 Portfolio fee Paid at the rate of $10.00 per term/per child for end of year preschool portfolio, memory book and photos.
$1.00 Association membership Paid annually per family.
Late Collection fee The service has a right to charge late collection fees for children who are not collected from the service before closing time of 4pm.
Fees are payable for all days that a child is enrolled at the service, regardless of attendance.
Care provided at Lambie Street Preschool is NOT eligible for Child Care Subsidy (CCS).
Start Strong Fee Relief Program
The NSW Governments Strart Strong Fee Relief program provides enrolled children with up to 15 hours (2 days) of subsided preschool each week during the preschool year. Families must complete a Fee Relief Declaration form to access the program.
Start Strong fee relief can only be accessed at one early childhood education and care service. If your child attends multiple services, including community preschool, mobile preschool or long day care service, you will need to choose which service you will receive the fee relief from. You can only nominate one service provider.
More information about Fee Relief for community preschools can be found on the NSW Department of Education website.
Cooma Lambie Street Preschool is a community run, not-for-profit service. The preschool relies on the prompt payment of fees and charges by families to ensure that it continues to offer a quality education program and meet it’s financial obligations. Failure to pay fees and charges will result in the withdrawal of your child’s enrolment from preschool. Thank you for your cooperation.
Cooma Lambie Street Preschool | 3-5 Lambie Street, Cooma | Tel: 02 6452 2669
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